DAY 2. ALC10. La Mariposa Loca

5am rise after a fitful 8 hours sleep with light rain clearing by morning. Big breakfast and brown hot water masquerading as coffee. Major bike traffic jam getting out of bike parking. Worse than rush hour on the Bay Bridge.

Stopping and starting at traffic lights through Santa Cruz I met a couple of guys who complimented me on my Butterfly Jersey. One wore a Cinderella figurine on his helmut. The princess watching over us all to keep us safe on our journey, he told me with an ironic smile. His family was from Puerto Rico, his friend’s family from Mexico. Both live in LA. This is their 4th ride. They were in high spirits. Flirting with me and everyone else around. “La Mariposa Loca!” they called me as the light turned green and I sped off.

First rest stop at mile 14, Manressa State Beach. Surfers in the waves. Sun out. California shining. Long way to go today. Can’t jump in the surf like I want to.

Heading inland now, through the central valley. Strawberries and artichokes. Thousands of acres of farm land and the hard working men and women bent over picking.

Stop for fried artichokes. A feeding frenzy of cyclists crammed at a little side road stand. Can they feed us all? When you ride this much you can eat whatever the !$@*!! you want. Yesterday someone on the side off the road handed me a donut hole at the top of big hill. Just placed it in my hand as I rode by. Why not? Tasted hella good.

The fried artichokes, also hella good, held me over til lunch in Salinas. Mile 46. Only 60 miles to go.

Otter Pop Stop. The Bears host a party handing out otter pops and dancing to Lady Gaga in fabulous bare(bear?)chested half-dress. Its a furry affair. The Cookie Lady is here too, handing out 2500 home made cookies she’s baked for us. Yum.


Through beautiful vineyards, the hills on one side of the valley light up as the sun blazes between scattered clouds. Cross a bridge over the Gonzales river.
Toss my bike to the side of the road with a pile of other bikes. Been riding for 8 hours by now. Scamper down into the ravine. Join a posse of skinny dippers in the cold and revitalizing river. Squeals and laughter and howls of delight.

What? There’s more?

Back on the bike and onto Rest Stop 4. 94 miles into today’s ride. Yesterday the boys of Rest Stop 4 were Lumber Jacks. Today they are Boy Scouts. What manly role will they take on tomorrow?

12 miles to camp. Roll in after 6p. Set up tent. Eat. Ready to pass out.




  1. #1 by Sarana Miller on June 7, 2011 - 6:06 am

    Keep the posts coming !

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